YOUNG people from across Worcestershire will be getting together next month for a festival of performing arts.

Almost 40 schools and groups will gather at Malvern Theatres for three days of dance, drama and music.

On Wednesday, July 11, 19 groups will present an evening of dance, followed the next day by a drama night.

On Friday, July 13, two Malvern schools are involved in the final musical presentation. Great Malvern Primary will be represented by its 70-strong choir, together with a recorder and clarinet group. The children, aged between eight and 11, will perform pieces both together and separately, including Lord of the Dance, Beneath the Surface, Look Towards Tomorrow and Santa Lucia.

The Chase is represented by pianist Liam Cartwright, a past winner of the BBC Worcestershire Young Musician of the Year, who will be performing his winning piece, Rachmaninov's Prelude in C Sharp Minor.

On Saturday, July 14, the choice of venue switches to Huntingdon Hall in Worcester for an evening of jazz presented by New Orleans jazz singer Lillian Boutt and her group of professional musicians.

Ms Boutt is the official ambassador for New Orleans jazz, having taken over from legendary trumpeter Louis Armstrong. She and her group have been working with children from various schools across the county.

The first half of the concert is dedicated to the results of the children's work, while the second half will feature performances from Lillian and her group.

The concert is at 7pm. Tickets are £5, available on 01905 611427. There is also a performance at 7pm on Sunday, July 10 at Pershore High School. Tickets are £5, from Sue Hughes on 01905 840366.