I WAS very interested in Dr Payler's recent letter to the Malvern Gazette - particularly the reference made that MHPCG is committed to "develop the services which meet needs of the local community, delivered as near to the patients home as is practical".

Heartening words and (before the budget is over-stretched providing the things it would be nice to have) I do hope that you are all considering the badly-needed Minor Injuries Unit that this town no longer has. Just how this came about remains a puzzlement! Sending Malvern people to Worcester A&E by saying "we do not do stitches (etc) in Malvern" really beggared belief. (I speak from experience but will not bore you with the details. Even if one has transport, Worcester is not "near to home" for Malvern residents.

Furthermore, it is a great pity that many of the excellent medical/social services in Malvern "shut down" after 4.30pm/6pm - and at weekends and at public holidays. So pity those of us who cannot fit in our needs with the powers that be!

This letter is not written out of pique, or to criticise the already existing (and excellent) medical facilities available in Malvern.

However, when I see money being squandered on things that nobody considers essential (statuary/ fountains, etc) it seems so ridiculous that anybody needing accident treatment is condemned to a trip to Worcester and a (approximate) four hour wait before some over-worked member of staff can give them attention.

Come now, gentlemen of the MHPCG and give this matter practical consideration.

Even if people had to pay for the emergency treatment in Malvern, at least, they would have a choice. "Pay in Malvern or wait in Worcester". If necessary I would happily pay for myself and spouse (and we are both in our 70s) in the same way that I pay a vet to treat my dogs. Who, incidentally, can get the best of service at any hour (or day) of any week, public holidays included. Nuff said! I rest my case.

MRS MARY THOMAS, St Andrews Road, Malvern.