BOAT owners mooring their vessels several abreast at Upton during this weekend's jazz festival could be asked to move on.

Anyone refusing advice and assistance could even find their boat confiscated.

Concern over dangerous mooring has led to a safety drive by canal and river warden Malcolm Griffiths, of British Waterways.

He told Upton Town Council this week that there had been as many as 27 narrow boats on one visitors' mooring at a previous festival, with potential for a major disaster if they broke loose.

"There must be a better way to moor them than that. We have started looking at how to strengthen visitors' moorings and reduce the number of boats moored there, or moor them better, rather than mooring to each other."

Mr Griffiths said his approach would be fair, firm and pleasant. He would help people move their boats if they could not do it themselves.

"But we don't want people dying. We will take boats away if we feel they are not safe. I believe I have a duty of care to everyone who uses the water. I am saving you from yourselves," he said.

Mayor Ernie Holder said it sounded as though Mr Griffiths was threatening to declare war on boat owners.

"We had 70 boats last year and as many as 100 on previous occasions. Sometimes there is a mixture of narrow boats and cruisers, but it's not usually as dangerous as you predict.

"We don't agree to confrontation between you and the boaters," he said.

"Tourism is important to us and one of the ways we can please tourists is by making use of the water front. We need more pontoons and more facilities for boaters."

Mr Griffiths said British Waterways was considering the possibility of providing another pontoon. "I am not trying to cause trouble. I am trying to ensure that everyone enjoys the water safely," he said.