BEING a regular visitor to Oldham, and every week speaking on the phone to friends who live there, I would suggest that the recent troubles witnessed on TV have been arising for some time.

Many excuses have been made for this state of affairs and politicians are the worst culprits. But blame has not been attributed to the root cause.

A fundamental flaw in all weak governments is the propensity to flex its muscles. Strong and effective governments follow the elementary rule of governing. They never introduce discriminatory laws and never introduce laws that are unacceptable to the masses.

And in a multi-racial society, which we are continually being told we have in Britain, Governments never legislate and polarise ethnic beliefs and lifestyles. Instead, it introduces law of mandatory tolerance for all non-damaging differences.

British governments frequently strive to be everything to all and consequently only represent pockets of disparate opinions.

For example, helmets are mandatory for all motorcyclists, except for some groups who wear turbans for religious reasons.


Every personal aspect of our lives is grist for the mill as far as the present government is concerned.

Hence, we must expose children in schools to homosexual teaching and role models in same sex marriages.

The interference of government into private matters creates resentment and causes violence in the schools and on the streets.

Is it any wonder our judicial system is bogged down with trivia?

Unthinking legislation is the major cause of violence and flaunting of the law.

THE REV D G GRIFFIN, Newland, Malvern.