Matters discussed in June included the summer outing, on August 4 - a tour of Herefordshire.

A guided tour of Burton Court is planned, and a visit to Pembridge, also the church of St Mary Magdalene in Eardisley, with tea provided by the WI. A sub-committee was appointed to discuss the 2002 programme.

Members took part in the Perdiswell Craft Fair, where the group received a gold cup in the flower arranging section, through Joy Cook and Sylvia Bennett. Sylvia Tudor-Hughes won the county golf tournament.

The next group meeting is at Far Forest on October 20.

Sylvia invited members to a coffee morning at her home on July 5. Guest speaker Dr David Poyner, gave a talk on Mining in the Wyre Forest.

On July 9 Margaret Copper will give a talk on the Village Nurse/ Midwife before the NHS, and proposed changes at WI House, Worcester, will be discussed.