A THEATRE group visited primary schools across Herefordshire after a successful initiative to promote walking to school.

Ten schools watched a performance of Box Clever's Car Story as part of International Walk to School Week.

The play dealt with issues of road safety and the benefits of alternatives to car use.

A workshop for Year Five students followed the play where they looked at different ways of travelling to school safely.

"It was nice to give something back to these schools in recognition of the effort they have put into promoting the benefits of walking to school," said Emma Boulton, co-ordinator of the Herefordshire Council's Green Transport Promotions Project, which funded the tour.

'Wonderful success'

"The play was a wonderful success. Both the children and adults alike have been delighted by it."

The play introduces the idea of a "walking school bus" where trained parent-helpers supervise children walking together along an approved route.

Herefordshire Council has recently launched its walking bus guidelines, which are being distributed to all of the county's schools.