PROPOSALS to mount a telephone mast on a Worcester pub have left people living nearby fuming.

Concerns are mounting over both the health impact of the 10ft transmitter and the eyesore residents fear it would create.

The application is from Hutchinson 3-G.

Despite the mast, which is planned to be erected on the Albion pub, in Bath Road, being enclosed within a fake plastic chimney because it lies within a conservation area, residents fear it may still be a monstrosity.

Kate and Jon Best, who live in Bath Road, are worried about the safety of their two young children, despite planners assuring them the mast poses no health risk.

"It's right in the middle of a residential area, where there are lots of young children," said Mrs Barnes. "I've got a six-month-old baby and a four-year-old and I'm worried."

John McEvoy, who lives close by, also said he was concerned about the proposal, claiming the long-term safety of the transmitters was unknown.

"And there's the point of the beauty of the place," he said.

"It's a very fine building and with a 10ft artificial chimney it will make the place look quite ridiculous."

But Peter Yates, principal planning officer at Worcester City Council, denied there would be any health risk.

"You'll get more radiation from the PC on your desk than a mast that's more than 20 metres away," he said.

"Our fear is that it will stick out like a sore thumb.

"It's not a listed building, but it is in a conservation area.

"This means that it must preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the area."

Pub licensee Chris Watts dismissed the fears and said he had no problem sleeping in the building with a mast on top.

"It just relays digital messages, it's not a microwave mast," he said.

"And it's going inside a chimney."

The consultation period ends on Wednesday, October 24.