PEOPLE from all across the political spectrum would agree that the perpetrators of atrocities in New York should be tracked down and destroyed.

However, there is no war until there is a clearly-defined enemy. To say that the war is on world terrorism, would have to include those who represent terrorists in Northern Ireland, Spain and in other "friendly" territories.

Therefore, we are not currently at war and Tony Blair's attempt to make a name for himself by wild sabre-rattling, even when George Bush has calmed down, is reckless. It follows that Bill Wiggin and the Conservatives' unconditional support for this stance must also be questioned.

Perhaps the other European leaders who Tony Blair tries so desperately hard to please should tell him to calm down a bit. After all, they've been very quiet on this matter so far!

The UK Independence Party joins all those organisations who are calling for appropriate and firm action.


Moreton on Lugg,
