THE letter in the Evening News from Bromsgrove Conservative Councillor Rita Dent really made me see red.

The councillor asks how can Bromsgrove council keep the towns paths clean and tidy. Can I suggest that they start to re-employ some of the staff that were judged "surplus" at the council depot?

If roadside bins are left full to overflowing they surely will create an opportunity for the mindless to set fire to or overturn. Councillor Dent writes about the rubbish on pavements outside Bromsgrove Labour club in Worcester Road. She fails to mention the knee-high weeds or dilapidated road signs.

Will the councillor claim that the mindless locals sowed the seeds for the nettles and docks? I think not. The facts are that Bromsgrove Council are falling down on street cleaning and refuse collection in certain areas of the town.

If we look further along Worcester Road to where Conservative HQ and offices are located we see a very different picture.

New street signs, new street lamps, new railings, new pavements, all swept daily and surprise, surprise bins are never allowed to become overfull in this part of town.

Can we call on Councillor Dent for fair play for all parts of Bromsgrove?


Stoke Prior, Bromsgrove.