A CONTROVERSIAL landfill site in Worcestershire has been given the go-ahead for 24-hour operation despite the fears of county councillors.

Lorries will be trundling into Hill and Moor Landfill round the clock after the county council's planning committee passed the proposals - on the third time of asking.

Plans for the extra hours had been blocked in the past because of fears the noise from trucks using the site would upset Wyre Piddle residents.

But after amendments, including assurances sound levels would not exceed a maximum of 55 decibels at night and reversing bleepers would be switched off between 11pm and 7am, it was passed by eight votes to four.

The Materials Reclamation Facility (MRF) can now operate 24-hours-a-day from Monday to Friday to meet Worcestershire's increased kerb-side collections.

The site will now be used until September 2002 when the new MRF is built nearby.

Worries about the scheme were highlighted by Councillor Liz Tucker, who said nearby villagers were already angry over Severn Waste Services' failure to abide by regulations at the site.

"I have had complaints from residents who say the company has been breaching its morning contract and arriving well before 7am," she said.

"Local people have found this very upsetting."

Coun Tucker said she worried it would be hard to monitor whether the company was sticking to the new guidelines after Wychavon District Council admitted the only way it could check was through residents' complaints.

Philip Sherratt, area director of Severn Waste Services, admitted he was pleasantly surprised with the decision.

"This outcome is good news. It will certainly help to bring our kerb collection times forward," he said.

The company is holding a meeting for residents to discuss the changes at Wyre Piddle village hall on Thursday at 7pm.