THE ladies of Cutnall Green Women's Institute celebrated their 70th anniversary by calling in the caterers for a special party.

As a special treat, the members were able to hang up their aprons and forget cooking or washing-up for the day while they focused on the celebrations.

Cutnall Green WI, which now has 35 members, is one of the oldest groups in the country and has survived by moving with the times.

"The old jam and Jerusalem image is no longer true as we now get involved in many other things from treasure hunts to theatre visits," said Press secretary Joan Beeston.

During the party a birthday cake, made by group president Valerie Scott, was cut by the three oldest members, Sheila Savage, Hazel Talbot and Nellie Howes.

Past and present members were also entertained by Keith Sandall better known as Mr Sunshine.

Elizabeth Johnson, left, chairman of Worcestershire Federation of Women's Institutes, presents Valerie Scott, president of Cutnall Green WI, with a certificate to commemorate 70 years.