IT could be back to school for Mike Foster, a parliamentary aide to Education Minister Margaret Hodge.

Because the City MP has been found guilty of one of the worst possible grammatical crimes... mistaking it's for its.

And, to make matters worse, he made the error in a letter he sent to schools across Worcester - for parents to sign and send back to him.

When confronted with the damning evidence, Mr Foster pointed the finger of blame at his PC.

"It was the spell check's fault," he claimed.

The letter concerned is part of a campaign to lobby for extra funding for schools in Worcestershire.

The MP sent a copy to parents across the county, with his own name and address on the top.

Parents were asked to sign them and send them back. Mr Foster plans to present them to Education officials at Whitehall when Parliament resumes.

The strictly non-political letter reads: "Last year, you and your Labour colleagues successfully won an extra £1.56m from the Government to help.

"Worcestershire schools benefit from record levels of funding.

"The county council has calculated that the average increase in school budgets was over eight per cent last year. But your help is needed again to ensure that change is made to the formula that disadvantages our children.

"The Government has announced IT'S intention to change this unfair system, but pressure must be maintained if Worcestershire schools are to see further improvements."

Mr Foster better get the correction fluid out before he presents them to his boss.