A PECULIAR piece of mail landed in Peter Luff's in-tray this week.

The letter was a shameless attempt to sell the MP a range of "seals" to place on the back of envelopes.

But the wording of the mailshot left a lot to be desired.

It read: "Dear Mr Luff - congratulations! Our records show that 2002 is the 10th anniversary of Peter Luff.

"I have a simple business-building idea for you. People prefer to do business with reliable, established companies like yours.

"But they won't know how solid your business is, unless you tell them!

"Now you can announce your success all year long with Elegant Foil Seals..."

The "anniversary" is Mr Luff's 10th year as an MP - but he certainly does not consider himself a "business".

He added: "I had fondly imagined next year was Peter Luff's 47th anniversary, but I think they meant something rather different.

"I did have an existence before I was elected to Parliament, you know!"