VOLUNTEERS from The Prince's Trust have begun the mammoth task of clearing paths to make way for a nature trail at a Worcester primary school.

The Worcester College of Technology group walked from Eastnor Castle to Malvern's clocktower, rowed 26 miles on rowing machines, and swam 500 lengths of Sansome Walk pool in Worcester to raise more than £500 to begin the Cherry Orchard Primary project.

Cherry Orchard headteacher Jeremy Harwood said the team deserved an enormous amount of credit for their hard work.

"Our existing trail was overgrown and although it's supposed to be deliberately wild, the children could hardly get in to it," he said.

"Short of taking a machete, they couldn't get in to see the ant hills and animal homes buried deep in the foliage.

"The team came along with an answer and will spend the next two weeks clearing, building a new path and two bird boxes."

Co-ordinator Doug New said the students had put 100 per cent into the project, which will help them complete their college course.

"Their aim is to be of benefit to the community," he said.

"Any money left over will be given to Children in Need."