THE seizure of Railtrack could mean the end of vital rail service improvements for Droitwich Spa residents, the town's MP has warned.

Mid-Worcestershire representative MP Peter Luff has condemned the renationalisation of the troubled travel company.

He has written to the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Region's, Stephen Byers, to state his concerns.

Mr Luff says: "The private sector, having been so shabbily treated by the Government, is unlikely to be willing to invest in further rail infrastructure.

"If it does invest, it's only likely to do so at extremely high interest rates, making investment unaffordable."

The Tory MP claims vital rail projects in his constituency are in jeopardy because of the Government's "incompetent handling" of the industry.

He believes plans for improvements on the busy Worcester, via Droitwich Spa, to Birmingham route, could be shelved.

The letter calls on Mr Byers to reassure residents that rail services will improve between now and the next General Election.

Worcestershire County Council's labour leader, Cllr Peter Pinfield (Lab, Droit.Town), said: "This is not renationalisation, it's a partnership.

"The Government has acted quickly in a direct response to the public's anger and despair.

"We are committed to carrying out the planned improvements -- money has been set aside for this.

"The important question now is which structure is going to deliver changes?

"Mr Luff may say that the private sector will not be keen to support investment in the rail network but I believe when contracts are being given out, they will be very keen to play their part."