SHOCKED Paul Taylor could be the first victim of a mysterious big black cat said to be stalking the countryside around Droitwich.

The 44-year-old farm worker is nursing his injuries after being catapulted over the handlebars of his bike when the beast ran into him as he cycled near Elmbridge church.

"I heard a noise like a low growl and the animal ran from the hedge at the side of the road in front of my wheel causing me to come to a sudden stop," he said.

"I had a good view of it before I was thrown to the ground.

''It was large, shiny and had the flattish face of a cat.

"I'm used to animals and it certainly wasn't a dog or a badger."

The fall left Mr Taylor winded and suffering from sprains and bruises which forced him to take time off from his job at Elmbridge Fruit Farm in Addis Lane, where he lives.

The incident happened earlier this month as Paul was freewheeling downhill at dusk.

"It made no sound as I crashed into it and it disappeared into the hedge at the other side of the lane," he added.

Paul's hairy experience follows a recent sighting of another unidentified animal thought to be a big cat.

Michael Barnes, from Crown Lane in Wychbold, spotted a large black animal eating from a rubbish bag last month.

The following day a hole containing large animal droppings was found at Lineholt, Ombersley.

John Hodson, spokesman for the Worcestershire Wildlife Trust, was sceptical.

He said he had an open mind but could not rule out the animals being deer.