THE partner of an addict hid heroin in a police car after the couple were stopped on their way home from buying drugs.

Jacqueline Burbridge was given £400 by another man to go to Birmingham to buy the class A drug.

But as they drove along a Droitwich road they were stopped by a police patrol on a routine check.

Magistrates in Droitwich heard the 33-year-old admit to being in possession of heroin and cannabis.

"Police stopped their Vauxhall Cavalier on Friday, August 3," said Suzanne Llewellyn, prosecuting.

"When they spoke to the couple they noticed drug paraphernalia.

"There was foil that had been made into a pipe.

"Both were searched and they behaved in such a manner that drugs were believed to be on their person."

She said the pair were arrested and searched again at the police station.

A small amount of cannabis was found in Burbridge's bra.

Police then went back to the couple's car, taking Burbridge with them, to search it more thoroughly.

But while she sat in the back of the patrol car officers noticed she kept reaching behind her "for no apparent reason".

"The police vehicle was searched and they found a piece of orange tissue which contained cling film wraps," said Mrs Llewellyn.

She said the wraps contained between £300 and £600 of heroin - enough for 30 to 60 individual wraps.

Syringes and citric acid were found in the car.

"She says she was given some money by a man, who is a drug addict, to buy drugs," said John Onions, defending.

Burbridge, of Farmers Way, Droitwich, denied two other charges of theft and possession of a class A drug with intent to supply.

Magistrates adjourned the case until Monday, October 29.