A DROITWICH Spa firm has been given the go-ahead to build an extension despite objections to similar plans in the summer.

A two-storey office construction and a single-storey warehouse will be built at Adstone Construction, in Wassage Way, on the Hampton Lovett Industrial Estate.

Wychavon District Council's planning committee members gave blueprints the thumbs up on Thursday, October 11.

The Spa company lodged a similar submission in August but planning chiefs rejected plans because a protected tree would have to be removed.

Doubts were also raised over the original proposal because not enough parking spaces were provided.

Wychavon planning officer Mike Hurst said: "The applicant has now amended the scheme to take into account the impact of the trees covered by a preservation order."

There are some trees that will have to be removed but councillors were told they would be replaced.

Adstone specialises in structural steel work.

Office manager Julie Young said: "The need to expand has arisen because Adstone is simply running out of room.

"The development may create new jobs, but we won't know how many until it is complete."

"We are keen to preserve the green space around our premises and are only too happy to replace any trees removed."

Cllr Keith Rogers (Lab, Dr-oit.West) asked if the replacement trees would be a decent size.

Mr Hurst replied: "The applicant has been told we want some decent trees."

Officers were also satisfied with the amendments made to the parking arrangements.