THOUGHTFUL Droi-twich Spa children touched by the terrorist attack on America have given a bumper donation to the New York Firefighters' Fund.

Youngsters from St Joseph's RC Primary School, in Ombersley Way, hosted a charity raffle and collected more than £60.

Kind student Jennifer Hughes donated four adventure park tickets that she had won in a Droitwich Spa Advertiser competition.

Her mum Eileen, of Barnscroft Way, said: "I'm very proud of all the children in class six.

"The firefighters said it was the largest single donation they had received."

Jennifer and two pals, Laura Lewis and Camilla Motteram delivered the cash to the fire stations and enjoyed a tour of the premises in the Saltway.

Town firefighters have collected more than £8,000 for the fund in memory of rescue workers killed at the World Trade Centre on September 11.

Hereford and Worc-ester Fire Brigade has collected £150,000 in total.