MUCH is talked about these days with regard to so-called nuisance dogs, the ones who foul the pathways and continuously bark.

Even worse are the owners who let their dogs out to roam, on their own, day and night.

While out with my dog, a large dog who was out on its own attacked my dog, which was on a lead.

He was so badly mauled that he had to stay at the vet's overnight. The vet tells me it will be several weeks before he will be back to normal.

What, I wonder, was the owner of the dog doing at the time? This is the kind of owner who should be banned from keeping dogs and something should be done to stop it.

What next? I ask myself. Maybe a child will be its next victim. That's when people might act.

As ever, it will be too late to help the next target and, of course, it could be your child or dog.

Mrs Edna Roberts

Paxford Close

Church Hill