I FEEL I must respond to the letter regarding driving standards (Advertiser, October 10), which was in response to an anonymous letter the previous week.

The anonymous writer was asking, 'Do all driving instructors on lessons travelling south down the Alcester Highway dual carriageway (A441) and turning up Rough Hill Drive keep to the lefthand lane on the dual track and on the roundabout?'

I can assure this writer that they do NOT. If they did, they certainly would not get many pupils passing the driving test and it would be contrary to the way they were trained to teach.

Perhaps the driving school car he saw travelling in this manner was a candidate on a driving test, with an examiner present, and in the process of failing it.

With regard to last week's correspondent, R. Glendinning, he is completely wrong in his assumption of proper procedure at roundabouts.

The correct manner in which to make this manoeuvre is to take the righthand land on the dual track, to take the third exit Rough Hill Drive, which is past 12 o'clock and at 2 o'clock, rendering it a turn to an exit on the right from the approach position; then indicate left on passing the second exit to turn up Rough Hill Drive.

It concerns me, and I am sure my fellow driving instructors, that R. Glendinning is encouraging other motorists to follow his 'dangerous rules'.

I suggest he studies the Highway Code, The Driving Manual or the Police Driving Manual before expounding on a subject he appears to know little about.


