FAR be it for me to try to put your correspondent Mr Glendinning in his place over the use of road lanes at roundabouts, but he is wrong!

At least, according to the driving instructors and examiners from the County Council, he is.

Their teaching and expectations is that the third exit on a five-way roundabout should be treated as a RIGHT TURN. This means that when approaching the junction in question, the MacDonald's Roundabout, intending to go up Rough Hill Drive, from the town, you should position yourself in the right hand lane, indicating right and then indicate left at the apex of the island, just before the turn to Oakenshaw.

It is obviously not only Mr. Glendinning who is unable to comprehend these complicated procedures, I have even been 'cut up' by a Police patrol car who also had not updated his driving skills for some time. Those of us who have to take annual tests to re-qualify for driving a school mini-bus find it much easier to follow.

I will refrain from any comments about 'idiot drivers'.

DGR Beeton

via e-mail