was held at the parish hall on Tuesday, October 2. The evening commenced with the notices for the month, including a social skittles evening to be held on October 30 at Bromsgrove's British Legion Club. Irene Scott offered to book a theatre outing to the Birmingham Hippodrome.

Netta Appleton welcomed Bunty Masters, Women's Institute advisor, on her first visit to Lickey WI. Bunty announced that with a current membership of 66 full and 6 dual members, Lickey is the second largest institute in the Worcestershire Federation. She brought news and photographs of the recent refurbishment and alterations to WI House, in Worcester, and informed members about the success of a new institute at Great Witley.

The treasurer's report was presented by Sue Mayne and accepted by the institute. Janet Coe gave the secretary's report. In her president's report, Netta Appleton thanked the committee for its support during her three years of office, and noted that Marjorie Wilson and Eileen Townsend were standing down. Both were applauded and Marjorie was especially thanked by members for her 15 years of service. A new president, Sue Taylor, was elected unanimously and Alison Hutchings and Pat Schofield joined the committee. Bunty Masters was thanked by Netta Appleton for presiding over the elections and presented with a floral gift.

A successful bring and buy stall was held during the evening. The raffle was won by Jenny Ryder, Lilian Fryer, Pam Narang and Netta Appleton. Sylvia Taylor won the competition for a bracelet.

At the meeting on November 6, Mrs Pinfield will demonstrate dried flower swags and the competition will be for a flower from the garden.