Ladies' Club took place on October 4.

Appreciation was expressed on the harvest supper evening at Rushock. Members were given dates for the club's Christmas party in December and also the Christmas dinner in January. For the club's 20th anniversary next year it was suggested that instead of a trip to London, a day trip locally would be better with a slap-up meal in the evening.

A talk, entitled A Personal Pilgrimage to K2, was then given by Vince Williams. His cousin, Jeff Lakes, a very experienced ice climber, was killed on August 15, 1995 while climbing K2. Mr Lake's father wanted to place a memorial plaque at the place where his son had died and asked Mr Williams to accompany him. Both men were not experienced ice climbers but they assembled a small team and a guide who knew the area well.

Thanks to some unusually fine weather and sheer determination, they reached K2 and the plaque was placed on a monument alongside that of Alison Hargreaves, also killed on K2.

The talk was accompanied by some dramatic slides showing the rough terrain, glaciers and crevasses that they had to negotiate. It was a tremendous feat considering they had never attempted anything like that before. There were a number of questions from club members and the evening was thoroughly enjoyed.