A GROUP of new entrepreneurs who have been given a helping hand to set up in business by Bromsgrove District Council enjoyed a special lunch when they exchanged views and talked about future plans.

During the past year, the council has helped launch nine new businesses with others set to follow.

The authority awards grants of up to £500 for small business start ups and supports the Chamber of Commerce Businesslink programme which pays for initial free business training and ongoing advice during the first year.

The buffet lunch was in the council chamber at Burcot Lane on Thursday October 4.

Peter Michael, the council's economic development officer, said the aim was to enable business people to meet councillors, representatives from various trade and business organisations and encourage new applicants to apply for grants.

Council chairman Cllr Mike Gill (Con, Woodvale) said he hoped it would be the first of many such gatherings because the council puts great emphasis on encouraging the development of small businesses.

But he said chamber officers and Mr Michael are facing a big challenge.

He added: "At the end of this financial year the single regeneration budget -- a Government scheme which provides the match funding for this programme -- comes to an end.

"As yet, there is nothing to replace it and I know the officers are having to concentrate their minds to identify some form of European funding to keep this valuable programme going."

He concluded by urging those who have benefited from the scheme to encourage others to apply for help.

Mr Michael said: "It was a lively and enjoyable event. It proves the potential for new businesses in the Bromsgrove district and the council's commitment to help them."