Rating: four stars

THIS is Geldof at his introspective best as he poses the eternal question.

While looking over his shoulder at what has been, with one eye on the present and staring the inevitable in the face, he asks: 'What the f***'s going on?' (Inside Your Head).

The emphasis here is on sex, preferably with Pale White Girls.

Sir Bob reflects on how it has evolved from earthiness to tenderness - no longer pure passion, more poetry.

The older and wiser rock star-cum-saint laments waning prowess but reluctantly settles into The New Routine.

The lyrics are often aggressive but the music is mellow, like slippers in front of a warm fire.

It's a mid-life crisis in song, from the self doubt of $6,000,000 Loser to the relief in 10:15 of finding Jeanne, a woman who will take him by degrees.

Self indulgent? Yes. But one feels he's earned the right.

The most poignant track is One For Me. A cathartic elegy to his tragic ex-wife, it is angry and sad by turns.

The songs are dedicated to Jeanne but they are for every man of a certain age and all the women they have loved and lost.

Geldof tips his hat to that other Bob, Dylan, and could become the voice of a generation.