It's surprising it took nearly 40 years for the Cuban Missile Crisis to target cinema screens and now video.

But, if anything, 13 Days proves real life is better than fiction and given the plot you couldn't fail to make a half-decent film.

Kevin Costner plays Kenny O'Donnell, special assistant to President JFK (Bruce Greenwood) during the seriously scary fortnight that nearly sparked World War III in October 1962.

The Russians dump a load of nuclear missiles capable of wiping the country from the planet in the USA's back yard and JFK and his cronies are non-too-pleased with the gesture.

We watch things unfold through the eyes of O'Donnell as JFK and brother Bobby dither for a solution while fending off the military hawks gunning for an invasion of Cuba.

All the time the stakes are being upped, making for some pretty nail-biting moments, even if you do know what happened.

Obviously good prevails and everybody lives to see another dawn.

Whether this is an accurate account of what really happened or, as suspected, Hollywood's rose-tinted spin on things is another matter.

But it does provide a taste for those who weren't born at the time of those two weeks when the world held its collective breath.