A TALENTED amateur actress is set to delight Droitwich theatre-goers when she dons her ruby shoes next week in a production of The Wizard of Oz.

Becky Harris, of Wellington Road, will tread the boards as adventure-bound Dorothy in the Norbury Theatre's latest show.

The former NEW College drama student has enjoyed a great deal of success in amateur productions, including a recent role in The Murder Room, also at the Friar Street theatre.

She also starred in Pride and Prejudice, which showed at North Bromsgrove High School, in School Drive.

Becky, who has been involved in amateur dramatics since the age of 14, will now impress audiences as the famous Kansas girl whisked off to a magical land.

The popular show will run from Monday October 22 to Saturday October 27.

Call the theatre's box office on (01905) 770154 or Margaret Withers on (01905) 451136 for details.