A NEW monthly feature starts in the Shuttle/Times and News this week - and the subject is men's health.

The Healthy Man column is written by Kidderminster Hospital urologist Brihad Abhyankar and will cover all aspects of men's health, covering issues such as diet, exercise and smoking to prevention and treatment of disease.

And we want readers to help us cover the subjects that concern them most. Brihad Abhyankar who is writing on men's health.

So if you have men's health on your mind, write to us at the Shuttle/Times and News and Brihad will try and cover the subject in a future column.

Brihad, or BA as he is known to many in the hospital, works as a staff urological surgeon at Kidderminster and is part of a team led by David Baxter-Smith.

Brihad grew up and acquired his initial surgical training in Mumbai, India, and came to Britain to further his training in urology.

After obtaining his FRCS, he worked in various hospitals in England and Wales, before coming to Kidderminster.

In the last five years at Kidderminster he has acquired a wealth of surgical knowledge and operative experience.

" I am totally indebted to Mr Baxter-Smith for teaching me complex urological procedures and their post- operative management," says Brihad.

He is particularly interested in problems associated with men's health and since his arrival in Kidderminster, he has totally managed the andrology and erectile dysfunction clinic.

Recently, the urology team, which consists of Brihad, Mr Baxter-Smith, their secretary Margaret Webster and urology nurse Mary Symons, have started a Working Men's Evening Clinic, which is not only the first of its kind in the county, but possibly in the country.