THE misery of trying to find a parking place at the Alexandra hospital during busy periods may soon be over for the hundreds of people from Bromsgrove who use the facility every week.

A spokeswoman for the Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, which runs the Redditch hospital, said they are aware and are trying to remedy the problem.

She made the statement this week when asked by the Advertiser/Messenger to comment on complaints made to this newspaper by irate drivers who say they have been forced to park in a nearby field at busy times when the car parks are full.

They claim the elderly and infirm have experienced problems walking the long distance to the entrance.

The spokeswoman said: "The Alexandra Hospital has used a field on the site as an overspill car park for high activity periods during the summer months, but it is not practical during the winter and we have not received any complaints about the arrangements.

"We are however currently working with the local planning authority to look at the possibility of increasing the number of car park spaces at the hospital."