AN elderly Bromsgrove woman had £500 stolen after two men conned their way into her home -- they also targeted a second pensioner later in the day.

The first incident happened in Burcot Lane at around 2.30pm last Thursday, October 11, when two men knocked on the door of a woman in her 70s.

They said they were working in the area and had just burst a water pipe and needed to check the water pressure in the house.

One man made her sit in the kitchen and he put a chair in front of the door to stop her leaving.

She became agitated and pushed past him out of the kitchen.

In the hallway she noticed her handbag was missing -- she then saw a second man come out of the lounge where her handbag was.

She confronted the men who fled with more than £500.

Later on, a 75-year-old man living in Burcot Lane was confronted by one of the men who asked him to turn off his taps after giving him the same story.

After a while a second man went into the house and asked for change for a £20 note, the man refused and the pair left empty-handed.

Both men are described as white, about 30 years of age.

The first is between 5ft 6ins and 5ft 10ins tall, of slim build with short dark hair. He wore a brown jumper, had a local accent and was described as "scruffy".

The second offender is about 5ft 4ins and of plump build.

He has fair or receding hair and was wearing dark trousers and an anorak which could look like an overall.

Anyone with information should call Bromsgrove police on (01527) 584888.