TOWNSPEOPLE are being urged this week to think eco-friendly after three organisations joined forces and launched a campaign, aimed at saving energy and money.

Bromsgrove District Council has teamed up with Age Concern and National Energy Action to offer local residents free advice on ways to cut costs and help protect the environment.

Two days have been set aside to present the package which will include topics such as energy efficiency, what grants are available to make improvements as well as details of the council's own discount scheme for home insulation, boilers, fridge/freezers and radiator panels.

The days, Wednesday October 31 and Saturday November 3, will be held at Bromsgrove's Amphlett Hall in Crown Close.

Cllr John Tidmarsh, cabinet member responsible for Environmental Health said: "We want to help local people reduce their fuel bills and, at the same time, help save the world's natural resources without any loss of comfort this winter."