A CARING Lickey woman who helps to raise money for seafarers around the world is to meet the Princess Royal, Princess Anne, next week.

Norma Rogers, of Old Birmingham Road, is the publicity officer for The Mission to Seafarers Birmingham Association and she, along with her husband, John, who is the honorary treasurer, will be meeting the Princess when she attends a Mariners' Market on Thursday week (October 25).

Princess Anne is the president of the Mission to Seafarers.

The association is hosting the event at The Clarendon Suite assembly room, in Stirling Road, Edgbaston, from 11.30am to 1.30pm.

It will raise funds to continue caring for seafarers worldwide. Last year 850,000 seafarers were welcomed to its centres, transport was provided for 300,000 and help given to make 100,000 telephone calls.

Mrs Rogers, who is also a Lickey and Blackwell parish councillor, told the Advertiser/Messenger: "I do not believe that the majority of the public have any great knowledge or given much thought to all the hazards seafarers undergo to bring us our food.

"Ninety two per cent of the world's trade is carried by seas with 80,000 merchant ships operating around the world."

During 2000 the mission made 91,000 ship visits offering help and advice and helped with 432 justice cases involving 3,740 seafarers.

Mrs Rogers added: "All of this work would not be possible without funds.

"If we look around our homes and our workplaces in Bromsgrove and Droitwich, and -- as we take a meal -- we then realise just how much is brought to us from around the world, over the cruel sea."

Everyone is welcome to attend the market and fancy goods, cakes, sweets, plants, tombola gifts and cards will all be on sale, alongside coffee and lunch.