A COMMUNITY canal boat, which was supported by Advertiser/Messenger readers, is cruising towards the end of its seventh season.

The Pamela May, based at Hanbury Wharf, has enjoyed a busy summer on the Worcester and Birmingham Canal.

The vessel, which hosts trips for the elderly and sick people, became a regular feature in our paper when we launched the Keep the Pamela May Afloat Appeal.

Trust funds were running low until we stepped in and collected nearly £8,000 from kind readers.

Pamela May skipper Peter Gross, of Cofton Hackett, said 2001 has seen more users and a record number of trips on the boat.

He told the Advertiser: "The funds raised from the appeal have proved a valuable cushion for the future to meet extra and sometimes unexpected maintenance costs which are ever present on such a hard-working boat.

"Recent costs have included a new gearbox, a complete overhaul of the electric lift platform and starting soon, a complete repair of the exterior and interior refurbishment."

The organisation relies heavily in donations to meet ongoing expense for moorings, insurance, licence, fuel and catering.

If you can offer any help contact the Advertiser on (01905) 795097 for details.