AN urgent inspection of asbestos roofs on garages on a Bromsgrove council estate was carried out yesterday afternoon after it was claimed children are putting their lives at risk by climbing on them.

It followed a call to Bromsgrove District Council to take urgent action over the roofs in Breakback Road, Rock Hill.

The tenants' representative for the area, Edwina Evans, voiced the concern over youngsters' safety at a tenants' consultative forum, at the Council House in Burcot Lane last Thursday.

Speaking at the meeting in support of her fears the leader of the opposition Labour group on the council, Cllr Peter McDonald (Uffdown and Waseley) demanded the danger of the roofs be identified immediately.

He said: "You cannot leave asbestos lying around, young people's lives are in danger."

He claimed the council had known of the asbestos roofs for two years as they have been listed on the legally required asbestos register.

He also claimed the authority was aware children played on the roofs and are in danger of inhaling asbestos dust, before it was highlighted at the meeting.

Council leader Cllr Nick Psirides (Con, Norton), speaking to the Advertiser/Messenger yesterday, said the council is aware of the situation and added asbestos is only dangerous when disturbed.

He said: "This is an urgent matter and we are having all garages inspected this afternoon and those which are dangerous will have their roofs removed."

The meeting pledged that within a month signs should be erected and letters sent out to parents warning of the dangers their children face.

Later, Cllr McDonald -- calling for more than preventative measures -- said: "Bromsgrove District Council should take action immediately to withdraw the asbestos and stop putting young people at risk."