SHOCKING images of war in the Middle East offer a glimmer of hope for a Droitwich Spa mum seeking her kidnapped sons.

When Nicky Taylor opens a paper or watches a news programme, she looks deep into the background -- hoping to see her three boys.

They were snatched by their father, a devout Muslim, in 1998 and flown to Pakistan.

Despite her best efforts, she has no idea of their current whereabouts.

A tip-off led to an address on the Afghan border -- but investigations were fruitless.

The Farmer's Green mum said: "When I watch the television, I'm not following the report, I'm looking for my boys.

"I fear for their safety.

"When I see the air strikes in Afghanistan I wonder if my sons are there. I just want them home."

Nicky has had a frustrating three years but recently won a battle with the British Government to have her sons -- Adam, aged 12, Daniel, 11 and seven-year-old Alex, declared British citizens.

Previously, she was told they could not be removed from their father's clutches in Pakistan because they had dual nationality.

The optimistic mum now hopes Britain's new allied partnership with Pakistan will lead to their safe return.

Nicky, who has three-year-old Conah and Lewis, aged two, from her second marriage, has received information from the Pakistan authorities promising to help her in her battle.

Droitwich Tory MP Peter Luff has also given his support.

A Foreign Office spokeswoman told the Advertiser: "We are in regular contact with Mrs Taylor and the Pakistani authorities.

"We have advised Mrs Taylor to seek legal representation and have agreed to assist her in the Pakistani courts with relevant documents and updates.

"However, our actions are limited because Pakistan is not signed up to the Hague Convention, which means we have no legal channels to follow."