BROMSGROVE'S firefighters swapped hose pipes and helmets for buckets of soap suds to wash cars for charity.

The fundraising event took place at the fire station, in Windsor Street, to raise money for the Bromsgrove Specialist Toy Libr-ary.

The library, in Providence Road, Sidemoor, supplies educational equipment and toys to children with special needs, offering a free service for families.

They rely on grants from Bromsgrove Mencap and Worc-estershire Community Healthcare Trust along with smaller fundraising events.

Eight members of the fire station's blue watch lathered-up and cleaned around 200 cars between 10am and 3pm last Saturday, October 6.

A total of £502.19 was donated by townsfolk who took their cars along to be washed

Sue Curnock for the library said: "The day went really well."