THE Arrow Mill Hotel, near Alcester is the venue for the Hagley and District Light Car Club's Annual Ken Wharton Memorial Autotest on Saturday (9.30am start).

Last year the Republic of Ireland team came within just 1.6 seconds of repeating its 1997 triumph.

The team led until test number 6 when Chris Evans had an incorrect performance reducing an 8.7s advantage over Northern Ireland to a 5.9s deficit with one set of tests to go.

Despite exciting driving by the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland retained the lead to win after some 35 minutes of competitive driving by each four-car team.

England came third, nearly a minute behind.

In 2000 Ken Irwin was in the winning Northern Ireland team for the 13th time.

He is driving as a reserve this year but, keeping up the family tradition, his nephew Glen Irwin in a Mini is joining the team.

The other three Northern Ireland members are Raymond Donaldson in a Vauxhall Nova; Sam Bowden in a Westfield sports car; and Norman Ferguson in a Mini Special.

Bowden and Ferguson were in the winning team last year.

The Republic of Ireland team is Peter Grimes in a Mini; Frank Lenehan in a Vauxhall Nova; Simon Echlin in a Westfield; and J J Farrell in a Mini Special.

The English team is Stephen Morten in a Vauxhall Nova; Tim Sargeant in a Dutton sports car; Dave Mosey in a Mini Special and Mike Sones in his Mini.

Wales and an International Ladies team complete the lineup as the event, dating from 1958, returns to Alcester for the 15th year.

Admission is free.