ONCE again, George Cowley is quoting Biblical texts out of context.

He says The Old Testament is largely outdated. But it was in The Old Testament that God revealed Himself to Israel, finally revealing Himself in Christ.

As far as "an eye for an eye" is concerned, at the time it was a good thing. Later, Cities of Sanctuary came into being, where an offender could not be apprehended. Carried into Christianity, many English churches had sanctuary rings on their doors. The law could not touch an offender as long as he held on to the sanctuary ring.

Now to the saying "turn the other cheek." Read the whole context George. What Christ is saying is "not only show the person their need is greater than yours, but insult him." In Jewish custom, if a man struck your cheek, it was the greatest insult to proffer the other.

George, you are not being "got at," I'm just trying to enlighten you.


Newland, Malvern.