WITH the first team resting at the weekend the seconds took pride of place at Finstall Park and claimed their first win of the season in a 29-6 win over Hagley-based Old Hales-onians.

The game handed current and recent Colts the chance to shine, including second row Francois Helmer, flanker Ali Baldry, fly-half Ben Copson, scrum-half Richard Stock-holm and Dave Trigger on the right wing.

Old Halesonians regretted the decision of giving the home side the slope advantage in the first half, turning round with a 12 point interval deficit.

Bromsgrove must have felt confident when they chose a scrummage instead of a straight forward penalty goal in front of the posts after five minutes, but lost the scrum and any advantage.

Colt fly-half Ben Copson made no mistake with the next penalty goal from 24 metres and then set up a good break from defence, supported by flanker Dermot O'Rourke and scrum half Richard Stockholm.

A quick tap move following a high tackle on Stockholm gave fast running left winger Andy Bray his first of three tries.

O'Rourke soon broke clear of a strong maul to power over for a converted try. The second quarter saw both sides concede penalties and only one kickable chance was taken, by visiting full back John Pritchard.

Bromsgrove had replacements eager for a game -- some returning from long term injury. This prompted some interesting position changes, demonstrating players' versatility.

In truth there was a brief unsettled period and many penalties conceded before Pritchard's second penalty goal to give his side some encouragement.

However, good ball handling afforded Bray space to run outside the defence and score a converted try behind the posts.

Copson showed maturity and skill beyond his years as he sought alternative options to get his back line going, and began to win most lineouts and give the superior home forwards a harder game.

Scoring chances were reduced until Stockholm made a quick throw to Trigger before a lineout was called. Good handling across the pitch gave Bray his third score as he ran behind the posts for the final converted try.

This Saturday the first team travel with the Colts to Stratford upon Avon to resume the league campaign and the seconds, thirds and Crusaders play at home.

l Bromsgrove are keen to demonstrate there is more to them than just the first team.

The club has opportunities for all ages and skills, and strive to get games for all available to maintain continuity. New members would be welcome to sample the delights of their excellent facilities and are assured a warm welcome.

Results, Third XV: Old Halesonians 6 Bromsgrove 43. Fourth XV: Alcester 12 Bromsgrove 41. Crusaders: Chaddesley 19 Bromsgrove 38.