DEAR EDITOR -- Having read recent comments from "Troubled," RJ Shannon and P J Wilson, I couldn't agree more.

What on earth does Bromsgrove District Council think it is doing?

Housing developments springing up all over the place, prices in excess of £150K, built on plots no bigger than a postage stamp with everything designed by the 'minimum design guides' overlooked from the back, overlooked from the front, yet foolishly people appear to accept them and flock to buy them.

I say they are merely the return of the Victorian 'back to back' housing!

What of the infrastructure of Bromsgrove to cope with all these new developments?

Overcrowded roads, overcrowded schools, a lack of public facilities etc. Increased cost of public car parks, extended charge times to 7pm! Good idea. Let's shop out of town with free parking. That's good for the town's economy.

What on earth are they doing to the road systems in Bromsgrove? Creating more havoc and costing the tax payer thousands of pounds a year.

Three prime examples:

1. Let's introduce part-time traffic signals to Lydiate Ash Island (and all other islands!) Great idea, rush hour a.m. and p.m. Monday to Friday. What do we get? Full-time traffic signals around the entire island, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. How much is that costing the tax payer? Not to mention the drain on energy efficiency, whilst at the same time polluting the environment. Road rage and accidents, just an every day occurrence on this island. Good idea? I think not.

2. The island in the middle of Woodrow Lane. Good idea, slows the traffic down. (What traffic? I hear you say) but who on earth constructed it? And who from the council accepted its quality of workmanship? It has to be the worst constructed island I have ever seen. It's an absolute eye-sore which could have been better constructed by a bunch of children. For those who haven't seen it, it's worth taking a visit! But don't visit if it's dark or foggy because you are not likely to see it! (Some street lights is what we need.)

3. The most recent example of Bromsgrove's lunacy on the roads -- Wildmoor Lane! Did they discover an old tin of road paint and decide where best to use it? I have lived in this road for many years, and I am up and down the lane every day of the week. I have never seen or heard of an accident at the left hand junction with Top Road. But they decided to change the priority of the road layout !. What on earth is all that about? Who's stupid idea was it? It's an accident waiting to happen!

Wake up Bromsgrove District Council. Stop wasting our money on stupid ideas from your external consultants who don't live in the area and have no idea of the real problems and issues that we the resident taxpayers want addressing.

Angry resident of Wildmoor Lane,


(Name and address supplied)