MEMBERS enjoyed a lecture on fungi and how they affect everyday life.

Diana Bateman had a large number of theories and interesting facts at her fingertips.

She reminded of the link between the hallucinogenic and poisonous fly-agaric mushroom and folklore concerning shamans leading to the story of Father Christmas and flying reindeer.

With her was her husband, Tim, who set up the Worcestershire Fungus Group, which re-vitalised interest in fungi in the county.

This led to the re-discovery of Barclays Earth Star, a fungus thought to be extinct.

The next talk on Friday, October 19, invites members to share in the challenge of sailing the tall ships and will be given by Maj Tim Taylor.

This takes place at Trinity High School, Grove Street, starting at 7.30pm.

Visitors welcome. More details on 01386 729082.