THE AGM on October 3 was well attended.

Chairman Mel Matthews was re-elected and will serve a final 12 months before resigning next year, when he will have served his maximum term of three years.

A full compliment of officers and committee are now in place to ensure the smooth running of the club for the next 12 months.

There was a slide show presented by the chairman, showing the club's activities over the past year, including various gardening trips and the long weekend in Cornwall.

It was lovely to relive these highlights of the year and view again some of the beautiful gardens, especially those at Woollerton Old Hall, where the delphiniums in particular were breathtaking.

The next meeting will be on November 7 when Dr J Page will talk about alpines and how to grow them.

Meetings take place at Wythall Village Hall, Alcester Road, at 7.30pm. Guests welcome.