President for the night Jill Warner welcomed members to the branch's 67th birthday party.

The evening had a French theme. The hall was decorated with French flags and pictures and the committee were in fancy dress, several sporting curly moustaches.

Business was kept to a minimum but Sheila Bennett was congratulated on answering all the questions in the WI quiz correctly. She did not win the prize as there was a draw, so she was given a consolation prize by the members.

Sue Sims had passed her Life Support Test and was given a certificate.

There is to be a ballot for the group meeting on October 25 and members were told about county events and the half-yearly council meeting.

The main part of the evening was a meal served by the committee with a link to French food and the cafe atmosphere was set by our entertainer Chris Baron, who played French songs on the accordion.

During the break, the Rev Prattle, otherwise known as Liz Prater, read out important parish notices, which were very funny due to mis-spellings or innuendo.

After a quick quiz to win a bag of onions, the raffle was drawn for the many prizes and flower arrangements that decorated the room.

Then there was a singalong with Chris accompanying.