THE battle to save the Winyates Green Triangle will be taken to Redditch Council on Tuesday as it prepares to recommend a controversial planning application, writes Julian Seva.

The beauty spot off Far Moor Lane has been proposed for housing under a Stratford Council plan.

But first, planning permission is needed from the council for access roads to the site.

The plans, which have been in the pipeline for about two years, have prompted a huge response from nearby residents who oppose them.

The Council for the Protection of Rural England also strongly objects on the grounds that rare species living on the land will be lost.

The site contains rare species including the Pepper Saxifrage and Greater Burnett flowers. It is also home to the Reed Bunting.

Residents will be speaking at the planning meeting on Tuesday when a 1,400-name petition will be handed over.

Council officers have recommended the application for the access roads be approved subject to certain conditions.