MEMBERS of Kidderminster Golf Club are set for an improved clubhouse and course after planners waved away residents' fears and approved the redevelopment of the site.

The existing clubhouse, which is accessed off Russell Road, will be demolished to make way for nine detached houses and four two-bedroom apartments - which will generate funding for a new, more modern building near to Spennells Valley Road.

But members of Wyre Forest District Council's planning (development control) committee insisted at a meeting on Tuesday night the new clubhouse be built and occupied before the old one is demolished.

Ten letters had been received from neighbours outlining a range of fears including the density of the development and the loss of wildlife and vegetation, as well as worries it would be "the thin end of the wedge".

But head of development control Mike Parker said while he could understand the concerns, the current 40-year-old clubhouse was too large and inefficient in its use of energy.

He said the scheme would allow the club to redesign certain parts of the course, create a better clubhouse with better access and would remove traffic from Russell Road, Oldnall Road and Barnetts Lane.

Councillor Fran Oborski said: "We have heard ongoing rumours about what might or might not be going to happen to the golf course - this does seem to be a genuine application."

Ward councillor Helen Dyke said she had carried out a wider consultation of residents in the area around the golf course.

She added: "We got a mixed response. A lot of people were worried - one or two comments came from actual members of the golf club, which doesn't make you feel too happy.

"Is this the start of something that is going to spread? Are we going to have more properties? I will hold my reservations."

The committee also gave outline planning permission for the new clubhouse, with details still to be finalised, although Mr Parker reassured members there would be sufficient parking for 130 cars.