SAILING: Strong winds caused mayhem during the Sunday racing at Trimpley Sailing Club with many dinghies capsizing and being forced to retire.

The final afternoon's race was abandoned as winds reached gale force, a level of eight.

GP14s normally find winds above force five too strong for sailing.

Phil Quarry and crew Sophie Tissiman, however, took all this in their stride and easily won the afternoon's encounters.

In the first GP14 race of the afternoon with winds at force five and gusting to seven, only three out of the seven starters finished the course.

Mark Tromans and wife Michelle came a brave second to Quarry.

A rare capsize by Mick James which finished with him on the rocks was a unusual feature.

The second race saw Quarry and Tissiman continue to dominate in atrocious conditions with James and Debbie Tissiman in second place.

Richard Turnock and Simon Fletcher managed to capsize three times, once before the race had even started.

In the Laser class, Eddie Hillman completed both races to win the day's series.

At the end of the Summer Series, the monthly shields were awarded to James for GP14s, Hillman for Lasers and Amy Malpass for Optimists.