CHAMPIONSHIP-winning Stourport Swifts have received a cash boost from the town council after last year's eventful season both on and off the field.

The Walshes Meadow side will receive £500 from Stourport Town Council's grants committee to help with repairs to their clubhouse - destroyed in an arson attack which caused £20,000 damage in February.

Councillors also felt the idea, first suggested by member David Little in July, was an acknowledgement of the club's promotion to the Dr Martens Western Division in May after the side won the Midland Alliance league.

Other groups to benefit from the handout worth a total £2,900 are Stourport Social Day Centre, St Bartholomew's Parochial Church Council and St Michael & All Angels Church which receive £250.

Wyre Forest Citizens' Advice Bureau receives £1,000, Stourport Severnsiders Marching Jazz Band and Stourport Royal British Legion £200 each, the Pop-in-Club £150 and the WRVS £100.