A MOTHER of two who stashed drugs in a hole in her garden has been jailed for six months.

Jayne Hollyoak was bailed after hiding another cannabis hoard at a friend's home, Worcester Crown Court heard.

She then went out and bought £300 worth of cannabis with her unemployment benefit to share with her partner, said Samantha Crabb, prosecuting.

Police who raided her home found 185 grammes buried. Hollyoak, 34, of Tomkinson Drive, pleaded guilty to possession of cannabis with intent to supply and possession.

Judge Michael Mott said she had been "cocking a snook" at the legal system.

Hollyoak first hid 201 grammes of cannabis at a friend's home in Teme Avenue, Kidderminster, because she feared her partner at the time, a heroin addict, would steal it.

They had a street value of £862. Arrested on January 25 this year, she confessed to police they were her drugs, said Miss Crabb. Three months later the buried drugs were discovered. Hollyoak had bought them three weeks earlier, also paying £300.

She had previous convictions for criminal damage, common assault and possession of an offensive weapon.

Defence counsel Samantha Forsyth said Hollyoak had become a user of cannabis after difficulties with her former partner.

She had taken stock of her life and stopped taking drugs.

Both her parents had died recently. Miss Forsyth added: "She appreciates she made a very big mistake and has had a very big shock."