IN response to the article published in the Journal last week re Moreton-in-Marsh Skate Park, I would like it to be known that there are other views of the situation.

On behalf of the majority of young people in Moreton and myself, a youth and community worker, I state categorically that a 'skate park' is not a waste of time, it is something which the young people of Moreton should have had a long time ago.

The youth of Moreton need to be encouraged not condemned and discouraged, to stay in Moreton for its future. Moreton needs a mix of generations of people for it to survive economically. If the only generation is pensioners then there will be no money to encourage trade and employment, in these circumstances the future of Moreton would be bleak.

As far as the craze for skateboarding and rollerblading is concerned it is what the youth of today enjoy and it will be with us for many years to come. The youth of Moreton and I will continue campaigning for as long as it takes, because it is important to provide an area where they can skate, without complaint from residents and the police. I believe that if they are given the chance to prove themselves then this will be a success.

With regard to the vandalism and broken bottles etc referred to in the article, this is not only done by the young people but by older ones as well.

All I ask is that these young people be treated as people and given the respect which they deserve. I know there are some bad apples but do not let this spoil it for the youngsters who are well behaved and disciplined. I come into contact with the majority falling into this category and they need encouraging.

I would like to hear what ideas the residents, who are against the 'skate park', have to resolve this situation. It would be quite an eye opener for some of them to meet the youngsters themselves and to see that they are just normal teenagers trying to do something which they feel strongly about.

I am aware that the town council has been looking for a suitable skate park for some time now. If anyone is aware of an appropriate piece of land could you please contact me with details.

SUZANNE STANIER, Youth and Community Worker. Gloucestershire.